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Adenomyosis, Endometriosis, Poor ovarian reserve and finally pregnancy.

Mrs NC .34YRS married for 8 years with secondary infertility but no living issues(previousbiochemical pregnancy with self ivf and a failed cycle with ovum donation in another centre)came toour clinic. She had a normal BMI and


Infertility, Hyperthyroidism (Thyrotoxicosis), Poor Ovarian Reserve, Low Body Weight Azoospermia and Finally Pregnancy

Dr. Suparna BhattacharyaMBBS, DGO, TRAINED IN INFERTILITY Consultant My Case: Mrs PSR 33YRS married for 5 years with Primary infertility came to our clinic after trying naturally for 2 years. Post-marriage she was diagnosed with thyrotoxicosis for which she underwent


Infertility, Papillary Carcinoma of Thyroid, Poor Ovarian Reserve and Finally Pregnancy

Dr. Suparna BhattacharyaMBBS, DGO, TRAINED IN INFERTILITY Consultant My Case: Mrs MG 40 Yrs married for 8 years with primary  infertility came to our clinic in December 22. She had a history of having been diagnosed


Infertility, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Pregnancy Case study

Dr. Suparna BhattacharyaMBBS, DGO, TRAINED IN INFERTILITY Consultant My Case: Mrs. PG  32YRS married for 8 years with primary infertility but no living issues came to our clinic. She had a normal BMI and a previous


Asherman Syndrome

Mrs Srivastava ,33yrs married for 6 years with secondary infertility but no living issues came to our clinic..She had a previous pregnancy with blighted ovum for which she underwent dilatation and evacuation outside 1yr back .


Male Infertility and Ageing

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that most men experience significant age-related fertility decline after they reach the age of 40 yrs. Men typically never stop producing sperm, but there is a measurable decline in sperm quality as


पुरुष बांझपन

एक शुक्राणु एक महिला के अंडे को निषेचित कर सकता है, शुक्राणु का सिर अंडे के बाहर से जुड़ा होना चाहिए, और फिर शुक्राणु बाहरी परत के माध्यम से अंडे के अंदर की ओर धकेलता है


Male Infertility

A sperm can fertilize a woman’s egg, the head of the sperm must attach to the outside of the egg, and the sperm then pushes through the outer layer to the inside of the egg where


पॉलीसिस्टिक अंडाशय सिंड्रोम के सामान्य संकेत और लक्षण क्या हैं (पीसीओएस)?

सामान्य पीसीओएस संकेतों और लक्षणों में निम्नलिखित शामिल हैं: अनियमित मासिक धर्म – मासिक धर्म संबंधी विकारों में अनुपस्थित अवधि, बार-बार या बहुत बार होने वाली अवधि, भारी अवधि या अप्रत्याशित अवधि शामिल हो सकती है।


पुरुष बांझपन कितना आम है?

इंडियन सोसाइटी ऑफ असिस्टेड रिप्रोडक्शन (ISAR) के अनुसार, भारतीय आबादी का 10-14% बांझपन से पीड़ित है जो लगभग 27.5 मिलियन है। शहरी क्षेत्रों में लगभग 6 में से 1 जोड़े को गर्भ धारण करने के लिए